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Lewes Lions U14s 36 Edenbridge U14s 5

Lewes Lions U14s 36 Edenbridge U14s 5

Paul Nicholl29 Feb - 11:42
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A win in the second league match of the new year.

The Lewes U14s played their second league match of the year on Sunday at Edenbridge. The team were really grateful to Edenbridge, who offered to host at the last minute, after the flooding at the STG. We have played Edenbridge before, and we knew we would have to stay organised and bring our best game to ensure we could come away with a win.

From the start Lewes were able to maintain pressure on Edenbridge and keep them locked into their half. A good Blitz Defence prevented Edenbridge from gaining territory, and the Lewes forwards and backs were able to quickly create space and then move the ball down the line when in attack.

After 6 minutes of sustained pressure, a quick tap and go initiated by Logan Wood, resulted in Leon Hutson running the ball to the line with a final pass to Henry Crook who took the ball over. This put the score at 5:0 after Lewes failed to make the conversion.

Edenbridge were determined to not let Lewes continue to have the advantage and due to a combination of referee decisions against Lewes and pressure from the Edenbridge forward pack, Lewes found themselves parked in their own 22 for the next 8 minutes. Lewes maintained an excellent defensive line, and were dominant in the scrum, but could not break through. Fifteen minutes into the half Edenbridge were able to cross the line, making the scores equal after a failed conversion.

Lewes were able to reply quickly after a quick kick off and assist from Reggie Hart, Hutson was able to power through space in the Edenbridge pack to cross the line putting the score at Lewes 10, Edenbridge 5 after a failed conversion.

Lewes continued to put the Edenbridge pack under pressure, with Louie Stokes at Fullback not allowing Edenbridge to kick for territory, while the Lewes forward pack were able to maintain pressure in the Edenbridge 22. A great run from Hart almost resulted in a third score, but unfortunately the pass was knocked on just on the 5m line.

At the end of the half, despite huge pressure from Lewes, the scores were still only separated by 5 points.

The first 6 minutes of the second half saw both sides work hard to gain an advantage. Lewes were the first side to create space, resulting in a great run by Hutson, who was able to cross the line under the Edenbridge posts. After a successful conversion this put the scores at Lewes 17, Edenbridge 5.

Lewes, who were now determined to gain a bonus point, maintained pressure in the Edenbridge 22 for the next 10 minutes. The Edenbridge pack worked really hard to maintain a solid defence, but a scrum in the Edenbridge 22 resulted in an excellent run down the centre by Hart, ending in a try made by Rupert Collins. After a successful conversion this put the scores at Lewes 24, Edenbridge 5.

Lewes continued to maintain pressure in the Edenbridge 22, and after another Lewes scrum, Hart was able to cross the line. With a failed conversion, this put the score at Lewes 29, Edenbridge 5. In the last minutes of the half Lewes were able to cross the line a final time, as Leo Vincent completed a great run from depth after an assist made by Hart. With a successful conversion, this put the final score line at Lewes 36, Edenbridge 5.

Louis Stokes was voted Player of the Match for Lewes, after some great work at Fullback.

There were lots of positives from the match which will now help the team in their preparation for their next league match against Guernsey.

Team Sheet for the Match:

Olly Scott, Henry Crook, Isaac Parsons, Charlie Cootes, Charlie Joe-Green, Harry Boot-Handford, Fin Simmonds, Logan Wood, Max Holmes, Leo Vincent, Frankie Travers, James Skelton, Josh Ferguson, Reggie Hart, Ollie Beddows, Louie Stokes, Leon Hutson, Sam Campbell-Brown, Jabez Ormerod Down, Rupert Collins (C).

Further reading